EnviroFlash Toolkit
The EnviroFlash Toolkit is designed to help our EnviroFlash partners at state and local air agencies with marketing and promoting the system. The Toolkit has letter and news release templates, a PowerPoint presentation, materials such as a coaster, magnet, wallet card, bus poster, cling and a fact sheet. The materials have been developed so that you can add your logo and personalize them for your use. All of the toolkit files are available for download below. For the items in .pdf format, design files are available upon request if high-resolution printing is desired.
We hope that the materials provided will boost your ability to increase subscribers and help you meet your goals with EnviroFlash.
Stakeholder Materials Media Relations Materials Consumer Related Materials
Fact Sheet (pdf) Feature Story (doc) Wallet Card (pdf)
Letterhead (doc) News Releases (doc) Magnet (pdf)
Outreach Letters (doc) PSA (doc) Bus Poster (pdf)
Letters to the Editor (doc) Audio Radio PSA #1 (wav) Cling (pdf)
Op-ed (doc) Audio Radio PSA #2 (wav) Coaster Giveaway (pdf)
Sign up sheet (doc) Audio Radio PSA #3 (wav)  
  Audio Radio PSA #4 (wav)